Monday, June 14, 2010

It is detox week!

After vowing to stay healthy while we are in Singapore, I have decided to take it a little bit further - yes,  it is time for a detox. 
With the hubby travelling again this week (this time to my home country), it is a good opportunity to do a detox over the next 5 days. My detox program means no sugar, salt, coffee, processed food or meat but lots of fruit, vegetables, herbal teas, water and fresh fish and Hot Yoga. 
There are other ways to detox, like excluding dairy, wheat and fish as well but I am not going to that far this time. 

Why detox? Well, let's put it this way: Over the last year or so, I probably drank too much alcohol (in particular the red vino), ate in way too many great restaurants, travelled a bit, drank a lot of coffee and experienced a lot of stress (moving house, job, planning a wedding, moving to a new country). And then, I read this article about colonic hydrotherapy (or also known as colon irrigation or for my German readers - Darmspuelung) and its benefits last week. So I thought, hell, yes, I am going to try this while I am doing my detox. Er, yes, you read correctly - colon irrigation. My hubby said politely the other day: "My wife is up for every sh!t". Um, sorry for that word.

So today was the first day of my detox and my first colonic hydrotherapy. Well, it was weird and quite exhausting. I promise I willbwrite more about it at the end of the week once I have finished my sessions so I can write more about the benefits I have experienced.

And now, I am going to make myself a fresh ginger and lemon tea and watch some soccer.

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