After a week break from blogging, here am I, I am back. What was the reason for my absence? I caught some sort of strange virus which knocked me out. Not sure where I caught it. Maybe in Kuching on Borneo where TD and I spent a weekend recently. So I spent around 5 days on the couch, watching day time pay TV (not so good - saw the final of American Idol like 4 times but learnt that the Denmark is the happiest country in the world) and feeling sorry for myself because I was alone and no one brought me chicken soup.
Anyway, almost recovered, just battling this annoying cough which unfortunately means I can't really exercise, no gym, no running. For those who know me well, you can imagine how annoyed I am about it. I am trying to concentrate on yoga instead.
My cold however did not stop me from watching new Sex and the City 2 movie. Last Friday I dragged myself from the couch to the closest cinema (on the way checked out the sale ;-)). I was a little bit worried that I wouldn't like it since I read mixed reviews about it BUT I really enjoyed the movie. (I hope I won't reveal too many spoilers now.)
The movie is very funny and colourful with lots of crazy and expensive outfits, head pieces and shoes. Carrie annoyed me a little bit but Samantha rocks in that movie. She is hilarious. I loved how she had these hot flushes from the menopause and that she did not want to obey the rules in Middle East and cover herself up. Also the movie confirmed that every woman should wear a bra (Britney Spears, for that reason, please watch that movie!)
I liked that the movie dealt with topics like "a married couple is losing the sparkle" or "being a mum is hard work". The ladies from SATC grew up and are mid forties now. They are not those mid thirties single ladies, hanging out in the bar and are on the hunt for the handsome and rich single guy anymore. So of course the movie is different than the series and tackles different topics now.
Yes maybe there was no major plot, but honestly ladies, did each episode of the series had a plot?
The movie is an enjoyable watch and I made me realise that the important thing is to age well - Sarah Jessica Parker does not age well. Just compare her to Kim Cattrall - that lady is turning 54 in August.
What did you think of SATC? Did you enjoy it? Were you disappointed and why?
Believe it or not, I am big fan of Carie&Co. It gets much more intense ;-) if you watch the uncensored version on HBO. Will go to the movies soon.